Delight your customers by pioneering simple Ts&Cs

Online terms and conditions are the epitome of TL;DR. Honestly, who reads them?

Opportunity alert! There’s an easy way to delight customers—simply explain yourself.

The primary purpose of a contract is to highlight differences between a buyer and a seller, then either resolve those differences or allow one party to decline the offer. You could argue that accepting Ts and Cs without reading them is short-sighted, but millions of us do that every day. Every time we buy or receive something that asks us to click ‘Agree’ or sign at the bottom.

Then one of two things happens—either there’s no issue or the buyer gets an unpleasant surprise when the product doesn’t perform as expected.

Is it too much to ask, then, that terms and conditions are summarized in simple language, bullet form? If I read the highlights and have a concern, I can delve into the legalize below. Or I can take my business elsewhere.

Legal Challenge

To be completed in under 5 minutes …

  1. Read your Ts and Cs or standard contract and summarize the top 5 points in bullet form.

  2. Now picture your customer and list any concerns you have with those points.

If you didn’t complete question 1 in 5 minutes, consider spending the time to draft a summary that makes you easier to do business with.

And if you have concerns on behalf of your customer, consider changing the terms.

You can extend this clarity test to any written materials that you provide to your customers.

Is everything clear?

Call me during this Friday's office hours (9-noon Eastern) on (647) 400 2514 to discuss some easy ways to assess your customer's confusion.

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Out of the Box

Let’s be clear