A bicentennial request
/This is the 200th edition of my newsletter—every week since September 2016. A lot’s happened in that time, but I prefer to use these milestones to look ahead.
So—what’s coming up for you?
If you’ve already listened to my recent CEO Conversations, you’ll have heard some interesting answers to this question. We’ve all just had a jolt that’s driven everyone to innovate. So I’m compelled to ask you—now that you’ve had a little time for reflection— what’s next?
I’ve asked a lot of CEOs and leaders this question and will be sharing a summary as a thank you. To take part, simply reply to this email and give me your answers to two questions:
1) How is your business benefiting from the new way of working?
2) What do we need to do to make this last after things have returned to “normal”?
In return for your input, I’ll send you a copy of the compilation I’m building.
For my part, I’m going to try something different with this weekly connection.
Reply Now.
Trusting Technology is a book about forming ideas, exploring opportunities with customers and colleagues, and building your future together. Order your copy here.